With countless users and countless postings Each Minute, Craigslist is easily the most trafficked and visited classifieds site on the planet. At occasions, website traffic ranking sites have proven Craigslist to become accepted auction-site, eBay (at that time this short article was written, eBay was the 23rd most widely used site on the planet, Craigslist was 33rd). In comparison with non-internet search engine sites, Craigslist is actually inside the top sites on the planet, frequently breaching the very best five.
With this particular much traffic and a lot of people while using site for purchasing, selling, or simply connecting to other people, it might seem sensible for traditional sales-based companies to leap around the trend by listing their products or services for purchase. As Craigslist offers sellers the opportunity to publish their products or services by region, sellers can interact with their local demographic.
One sector which has seen particular success in making use of Craigslist for elevated sales is automotive. In the dealership level, Craigslist gives dealers the opportunity to list their inventories on the highly trafficked site, by region, as well as for free. In writing, this appears just like a pretty sweet deal.
However, many dealerships have felt the appearance of the Craigslist advertisement – the ‘look,’ ‘feel,’ and layout – does not do justice towards the make of vehicle they’re selling nor the look from the dealership itself. Within an industry that spends vast amounts of dollars yearly on advertising – most of the time in order to promote a maximum-echelon image and lifestyle – the generic Craigslist advertisement design falls quite flat for mid to upper tier dealers.
Though it’s a relatively quick tactic to list a product on Craigslist, the finish outcome is a heavily text-based listing (though sellers may also upload a couple of still pictures of the product being offered). But imagine you’re a multi-billion dollar Mercedes-Benz dealer, for instance. You most likely have a big advertising budget – a financial budget that’s largely allotted towards maintaining the prestige connected using the Mercedes-Benz brand. So essentially, although the exposure is nice, the Craigslist advertising method really is not using the advertising strategy of the trademark, because the upper echelon lifestyle is, at the best, poorly symbolized utilizing a standard Craigslist ad. So, what is the solution for dealers?
What when there was wherein dealerships could advertise on Craigslist yet still maintaining the look and prestige that’s frequently searched for after? A Canadian based company – Vehicle Gateway Corporation – has lately think of a viable solution. Utilizing a full colour ad format that promotes both logo and the person dealership, Vehicle Gateway Corporation has lately developed the things they call the ‘Craigslist Dealer Showroom’.